Mountainside Sewing

Alterations, Repairs, & Design

Mountainside Sewing is MOVING!
Starting APRIL 1ST we’ll be in the building next door at 23300 Two Rivers Road, unit 32, Basalt.
23286 Two Rivers Rd, Unit 24B
Basalt CO 81621


Shop Pricing $60/hour


Our shop pricing applies to most of the work we do since every garment/item is unique. In the event that we encounter something we didn’t anticipate, which will raise the estimated price of the alteration, we will communicate with you before completing your order.

Set Price Items

  • Back waist on pants (letting out or taking in): $60
  • Machine Hem: $25 - $35 depending on if original hem needs to be removed
  • Hem Replacement: $35 (keeps the original hem on a pair of jeans)
  • Blind/hand Hem (recommended for dress pants): $45
  • Slider replacement on zipper: $35
  • Patching hole on pants: $25
  • Sew-On Patch (6” Diameter or less): $15
  • Bridesmaid dress hem: $90+ depending on the amount/type of fabric and layers
  • Fittings: First 15 minutes are free. Shop Pricing $60/hour after that